
First Anniversary

By Melissa - Tuesday, February 25, 2014

We met a year ago, but it wasn't really love at first sight.

I wish that we had a little more time apart before we met. That way, I would have been a better person - more ready, prepared and less defiant.  I would have been more accepting and a little less resentful over the sudden change of status

I wish that you came with a warning sign, something along the lines of… "This is real, hardcore stuff. Reverting back to the days of ol' is improbable and unlikely". That way, even though I lacked experience, I would have allowed my heart to take the lead, instead of my intellect.

If it were entirely up to me, I wouldn't have met you a year ago today. 

But… He had other plans in mind for my life. With His infinite knowledge and perfect will, He arranged for us to meet in the only way He knows how - flawless plan and stylish timing.

You taught me not to quit when the going gets tough, but to hang in there because there's something to be gleaned with every challenge.

You made me realise that mistakes are inevitable, but my response to them reveals my character. Hence, it's alright to laugh at myself every now and then (even if it involves something as major as almost burning down an entire building).  

You reminded me that change is not all that bad - I'll meet new people and make new friendships. Those newly formed relationships? They can be rather rewarding.

You showed me that there's a first time for everything and it's an amazing way to discover something new about myself. I just need to take a leap of faith, trust my gut and give Intuition a little more room. 


Happy First Anniversary, Work! You and me, we've got a long road ahead of us, and I pray that you'll treat me well. I promise to do what I love, and love what I do. 

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