Stick A Fork In Me, I'm Done

By Melissa - Thursday, September 05, 2013

I learned some time ago that some of my best work was produced when I was given a limited time frame and placed in circumstances that many won't find pleasure being in.

I, for one, love being in such situations. I take pleasure in working on something with both hands full while taking large strides to meet yet another deadline, because I know that such instances will positively stretch my creative muscles. 

However, all this while, I failed to see that my relishing of such times came because I was either working alone, or I was in a group that was confident; with each person manning up and pulling their own weight. 

While I know that by the end of the day that I am able to deliver everything that is required on my own (which would mean that my job would be multiplied two or three times over), I've come to realise that working with a lazy prick for a colleague is no fun and terribly frustrating. 

I am jaded from checking up on simple tasks that shouldn't require my attention, and ultimately landing myself into doing it because the person wields the best weaselling out excuse of all time, "I don't know". 

I can't remember the last time I went to bed without a to-do hanging over my head, waiting for me to jump in and tackle it the very next morning.

My brain cells are so fried that today, after lunch, I clutched my glass container and trudged to my colleague's cubicle, thinking that it was the pantry. My colleagues broke into hyena-like laughter when I arrived at the cubicle; confused, a little disoriented whilst gingerly holding on to my bowl. 

It took me five (costly) seconds to get my bearings right, five seconds too late, that is. 

Now, at 11pm, after being at work for more than 12 hours (I clocked in at 7:25am and left the office at 8:30pm), I am more than ready to shimmy into welcoming arms of my comforter and leave the tending of emails to Tomorrow. 

For now, just for tonight... Stick a fork in me, ladies and gentlemen, I'm done...


Earlier today, while I was out for work

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