

By Melissa - Saturday, October 25, 2008

I love cupcakes. They are fast becoming a trend right now. Whole cakes are no longer a popular choice for events as many opt for these luscious and individually designed little cakes to satisfy that child-like feeling in each of us without making us seem foolish. The reign of Cupcakes Almighty has begun. For how long, only time will tell.

We ( Le
Family ) had some guests over at our place tonight. Uncle Kenny and Aunty Melinda came over to visit and I had a wonderful time chatting with them. Both of them are veterans in the advertising industry and are very talented in what they do. Talking to them gave me an insight on what lies ahead for me.


You may wonder what this has to do with cupcakes ( Maybe you are smart enough to guess ) but if you are still living under the proverbial coconut shell and have no clue whatsoever,

They actually brought along CUPCAKES for us.
The kind I like. Colourful, sweet and delectable.

Go green with envy and even if you don't ( For w
hich I'm quite certain you will ), pretend that you do, to let me bask in this moment.

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I have called dibs on these two, after much deliberation.

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I'll let you know how they taste, after I'm done admiring them =)

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