
Bundle of joy indeed..

By Melissa - Monday, October 27, 2008

This Chatty Lass went to visit her aunt that has just given birth a couple of weeks back. And the moment I saw baby Joyce, I just melted. Rather, my heart melted.

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Wouldn't you if you looked down into the cot and saw those big brown eyes staring at you? Le Family were all busy admiring baby Joyce and I saw the mum-of-the-moment smiling contentedly. I managed a faint smile towards her and she nods her head knowingly.

I managed to get a few more shots of her and I must say, baby Joyce is quite a little poser. At two weeks, babies can't really focus on objects yet but this little girl responds by looking directly into the camera everytime I call out her name.

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And I also saw my other very adorable nephew. Denzel is three-plus and he is brilliant with a very mischevious twinkle in his eyes.

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His mummy is also expecting and he'll be a big brother next February. It wouldn't be long till family gatherings are filled with the wonderful sound of coos and gurgles of babies.

For the opportunity to carry babies again and breathe in the sweet-smelling baby's breath, I look forward with eager anticipation for the next family gathering...

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