
The Week In Review - Health Nut, Cheesy Baked Salmon & Minion Pie ForBreakfast

By Melissa - Friday, May 29, 2015

1. Of being a health nut and a consumer of hamster food (read on to find out about this...)

Last week, over drinks and eardrum-splitting music, a friend asked about my dietary choices and the spark that ignited this health campaign.

I told her it had nothing to do with losing weight and everything to do with being healthy. (Okay, it's a teensy-tiny bit about losing weight.)

When I turned 25, I had a moment of clarity and realized that this is MY body, the one I am going to be with for the rest of my life. The realization dawned that if I wasn't going to be the one who takes responsibility for it, nobody else will and I do not want to pay for my negligence of it later on in life.

So, I made a calculated decision to deliberately cut down on items which are not doing any favors to my body, such as carbs, sugar, processed food, fast food and fried stuff. Instead, I supplemented my daily intake with huge portions of vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts. My dear mother referred to my muesli mix as hamster food. (Sugarpop's - my deceased hamster - food never looked as colorful.)

Jokes aside, I see it as a matured decision. Simply because IMO, it takes an adult to be able to take on the weight (pun intended) of making wise and healthy choices. It's easy to slip up and eat whatever you want, citing that "you only live once, so food enjoyment should be maximized", etc…

However, when your health spirals down into an abyss and you have to be in and out of the hospital or sign up for a major surgery due to your carefree eating habits, the people who will be most affected are those who are closest to you. That, to me, is unfair because it is something which could have been avoided or controlled.

2. Made cheesy baked salmon for one of my weekday lunches and it was AMAZEBALLS.

3. Banana pie from Macca's for breakfast, encased in Minion packaging.

Complimentary breakfast treat from a colleague of mine. While I may diss the movie,  I do find the packaging immensely adorable. 

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