
And among other things...

By Melissa - Friday, October 24, 2008

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Today is my sis' birthday. So, in honour of her birthday, I took her out for lunch and also to watch High School Musical 3 ( To be honest, I am not particularly fond of it but well, it's her birthday ).

And I have to say, the third installment reigns as my favourite, thus far. The storyline of the show is nonetheless cheesy, as it always has been though I did find myself humming to the tune of some of the songs which means the songs has had an impression on me, one way or another. But, this is hereby NOT a public declaration to suggest that those are poignantly written, career-launching songs. Neither are they songs that people will remember as 'great' another one or two years down the road.

I pride myself in being incredibly honest, so I will give praise where it's due. This is a huge step-up from HSM 1 and 2. Also, the new dance routines are more mature although the moves lack variation as some of the moves are a repetition ( From the previous ones and also in this particular movie itself ). All in all, the conclusion I've come to is, it is definitely not a RIVETING watch but it does qualify in the 'Alright-to-watch' category. Not great, it's alright.

And also,

For Angeline,

I hope that one day when you finally read this, you'll know that I mean this from my heart. You have driven me up the wall and through the roof 99% of the time but you also have a good and loving heart. I'm thankful to have a sister like you. I love you, sis.

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