

By Melissa - Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Children are being denied their right to education. Women are publicly flogged for reasons you and I would roll our eyes at. The widespread reach of hunger and poverty. Mass shootings and acts of terror.

Every day, lives are lost and persecuted while we are comfortably ensconced in the safety of our home, with air-conditioning, bickering on social media about the recent legalization of same-sex marriage in the US and the rise of fuel prices in Malaysia.

Listen very carefully, I am not, in any way, downplaying the severity of these issues. But, I am pointing out the fact that when we look at the grand spectrum of things, our world is hurting and there is much to be done… and hashing it out on social media (be it in favor or disfavor) about recent day events is NOT one of them.

This first part is a clarification to Christians. 

#1. We have to stop expecting people who do not know Christ to follow His ways.

Why should a non-Christian have any regard for the ways of The Lord? The command to follow in His footsteps was not given to the non-Christians, but to us. And while we're on the subject, remember that The Great Commission is our mandate as well.

Instead of pointed remarks towards the ruling, look beyond the rainbow haze and recognize the raw, pressing need for The Savior.

#2. A sin is a sin.

My Bible tells me that homosexuality is a sin. That same Bible also tells me that gossip, stealing, anger and lust are sins as well. One is not "more sinful" than the other.

The finished work of Christ on Calvary was to cover ALL sin, not just homosexuality.

#3. Be quick to listen, slow to speak.

I have encountered friends who spoke to me in confidence about their struggles on this matter and while I may not fully comprehend their situation, I feel for them.

Their struggle for acceptance, the harsh rejections, the internal conflict - All of it are real. If we took time to sit and hear them out, listen to their stories, perhaps we would love the sinner a little more and judge him / her a little less.

Side note off.

Most Malaysians are fuming over the hike in fuel prices (again), understandably so. The 10 cent rise creates a domino effect and it seeps into every industry, affecting all of us.

As a novice in the working world, the impact hits me a wee bit harder. Yet, I choose to refrain from complaining and I choose to see the good this land has brought me.

This is my belief - I believe in the truth of His Word.

I believe Him when He declared of His supremacy, He is not a man that He should lie.
I believe Him when He proclaimed of His greatness, nothing is impossible for Him.
I believe Him when He assured me of His supply for all of my needs.
I believe Him when He reminded me of His promise where all things will work out for good for those who love Him.

So, I am confident of this - Nothing ever catches Him by surprise. One way or another, situations can be turned around for His glory, even if we don't see it just yet.

He is higher...

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