
The Week In Review - Travel Log: Part TWO, Holiday Blues + French Toast

By Melissa - Friday, January 16, 2015

Monday (Jan 12th, 2015)

AM: Final day off from Work, after returning from KK (travel log - Part ONE and Part TWO). Grateful that the alarm does not have to roar at 6:30am, and I got to sleep in till 9am.

Noon: Caught up with some of the series that I've been following.

PM: Girly chatter the entire night with Annie. We decided to break the norm and have Thai instead of our usual Jap for dinner. Such rebels we are... *grins*

Seafood tomyam soup with glass noodles.

Sweet treat to cleanse our palate - French Vanilla mille crepe cake.

Tuesday (Jan 13th, 2015)

AM: Work.

It was SUCH. A. DRAG to get out of bed and be ready for work when the alarm rang at 6:30am. If only holidays could go on and on and never end...

Wednesday (Jan 14th, 2015)

AM: Work.

PM: Daddy-and-me time over dinner.

Thursday (Jan 15th, 2015)

AM: Breakfast bowl - Scrambled eggs and honey glazed chicken ham on a whole grain bun.

PM: Tea time snack, with compliments from Strawberry Shortcake.

Macca's Blueberry Pie.

Friday (Jan 16th, 2015)

AM: Breakfast bowl - French Toast with a light dusting of icing sugar.

PM: Post-wedding dinner at Eeleen's.

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