Life In The City - 6 Month Update

By Melissa - Sunday, May 08, 2016

As I type this entry with one hand (a talent to be envious about, I've been told), the other is conscientiously balancing a mug of warm rose-vanilla tea. I need it for three reasons:

1) To zen out because I can hear the dreaded footsteps of Monday approaching.
2) To stay awake long enough to complete this post.
3) I just really, really like tea.

Quite a few things have happened since I traded my humble island for the city.

Work is beautiful chaos, I've just turned 27 and in recent months, I've gotten the opportunity to fulfill a lifelong dream - getting my first article published (and then some and some more). In the few precious moments I have to spare, I'm devouring every and any reading material I can get my hands on for my upcoming travel adventures at the end of May and another in September, plus stealthily attempting to sneak in a few domestic trips here and there for social events. 

Phew..... Life is hectic, but wonderful.

I'm grateful to be in such a good place right now, but I'm also aware that at any moment, all of it could be taken away. So, I live; not with fear of impending doom but carrying in my heart the amazing gift that is life, never once taking it for granted.

Being away from home as a young working adult has taught me a thing or two about life. For posterity's sake, I'm noting down six of them here.

1. You are responsible for your own life.

No one can take that away from you, unless you give them permission to. Never let a person or society dictate how you should live your life. It is yours to live, however you see fit (within reasonable boundaries and without inflicting harm on another individual's life).

2. Don't ever lose your sense of wonder.

It took getting out of my comfort zone to regain my sense of wonder. I fell in love with the English language once again. I discovered the fun in creating something out of nothing to change everything. I learned about perseverance, in its truest form. I celebrated the small wins in life each day.

3. Be kind.

To anyone, at any place, at any time. Kindness is always classy.

4. Who you surround yourself with will determine where you will be heading.

Build the right connections. Invest in the right friendships. Make time for relationships that matter. I am reminded of the importance to walk with dreamers, go-getters and believers. I'm ever so thankful to be blessed with family and friends from all walks of life, who continually encourage and challenge me to be all that I can be.

5. Quality over quantity

I have learned the harsh reality that not everyone will rejoice with you when things are working out fabulously in your life. I have learned the cold truth that not everyone is meant to cross the finish line with you. I have learned that numbers do not matter, whether it is the number of contacts on my speed dial or the number of likes I get on social media.

What counts is a handful of "my people" - those whom I know will be there for the big and small things; whenever, wherever, however.

6. Sleep it off

There are some days that wear you out more than others. Those days get you on edge and most likely, it would require a gargantuan effort not to snarl and rip someone's head off before the day is over.

I've come to realise... bad days don't last for long. Sleep it off. There is something about tomorrow and the new hope it brings with it which makes yesterday's events seem a little less big and dreary. 

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