
The Week In Review - Doing What I Love, Me Time + Homemade PlayDoh

By Melissa - Friday, November 07, 2014

After last week's wacky working hours, I'm somewhat glad that this week began with a semblance of normalcy.

In spite of all the drawbacks I've observed and encountered after working in CM for almost 2 years, I look past the now and believe that all that I'm learning right now will somehow make sense in the future.

At the end of it all, I'll always be thankful that I know what makes me tick and I'm giving my mind to doing what I love; which keeps me going on the not-so-good days.


Monday (Nov 3rd, 2014)

AM: Work.

PM: Standing date with my bestie.

Tuesday (Nov 4th, 2014)

AM - PM: Work.

Wednesday (Nov 5th, 2014)

AM: Work.

PM: Me-time and indulged in my favourite pastime, reading. 

Thursday (Nov 6th, 2014)

AM: Work.

PM: Made a break for the door as soon as the clock struck 5pm. Arrived at Mi-Chelle's at 5:40pm and stayed there till late to prep for the official launch of Project Playdate this Saturday.

Little Ryan, who showers me with the cheekiest smiles and melts my heart to a puddle of happy goo.

Homemade (read: kid-safe) play dough. My arms tolerated a pretty good workout (dough kneading counts as exercise) yesterday evening.

Friday (Nov 7th, 2014)

AM: Work.

PM: After-work plans for the day - Sink into the welcoming arms of my bed, get comfortable and transport myself to the literary world. 

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