
The Week In Review - We Made Peace, JZ and Baby JJ, Lunch Plate Series + Korean BBQ

By Melissa - Monday, May 25, 2015

After a turbulent relationship with Life last year, we have finally made peace and now, after being in 2015 for five full months, I reckon that we’re in a good place - Life is treating me well and I’m excited about what is to come for the rest of this year.

It’s incredible to truly live again - To move on from yesterday, cherish today and look forward for tomorrow.

Storms do pass and now that the fog has cleared up, the horizon ahead is visible once more. In fact, it looks promising. My best days are truly before me.

A few happy things this week…

1. Dinner with Tinki Talks and Baby Time with JZ and JJ.

WhatsApp, WhatsApp call and FaceTime audio has tide us through the past 3 months but face-to-face conversation is a reigning favourite in my book. We had a swell time catching up and I loved Baby Time with the little guys.

Baby JJ, smiling happily with his douhua moustache.

JZ. Love those dimples.

Brothers - JZ and Baby JJ.

By the end of the night, I went home; happy as ever with drool-soaked shoulders, puke-stained shorts (Baby JJ enthusiastically burped some of his feed on my thigh) and sweat-matted hair (chasing and skipping around the shopping mall with a 2.5 yo does that to you).

2. Lunch Plate series

Vegetable Chowder.

Honey-soy chicken breast with mash and boiled broccoli.

3. Korean BBQ for a colleague's farewell dinner on Friday (May 22nd, 2015).

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