
The Weekend That Was - Family Time + "I Will Go"

By Melissa - Sunday, June 15, 2014

Saturday (June 14th, 2014)

AM: My family (both uncles included) went on a durian feast for brunch yesterday. Everyone was enthusiastically anticipating the eating trip, except my sister and I (She doesn't partake of durians because she can't stand the fruit's strong smell, whereas I was trying to keep watch of my waistline). 

Nevertheless, I adore spending time with my family, so I was pretty keen on keeping my family company. 

The sight that greeted us when we arrived:

Thankfully for me, those *points above* weren't the only things that I saw upon our arrival at the venue. 

The owner of the place had several puppies (!!!), and they were scurrying around the compound; tails wagging and looking immensely adorable. I got to pat them, give them belly rubs and received lots of licks in return. 

PM: Shared at Youth Impact, followed by worship practice for Sunday.

Sunday (June 15th, 2014)

AM: Led worship for church.

There's a new season coming my way, greater days ahead with more responsibilities entrusted into my care, ministerially-wise. And... Truthfully, in as much as I am excited to be onboard with this, Uncertainty lurks around the corner.

As I was leading worship, His presence descended and blanketed all my fears. His Word whispered into my Spirit was simply, "I will go."

My memory was reeled to Isaiah 6, particularly verse 8 - Then I heard The Lord asking, "Whom should I send as a messenger to this place? Who will go for us?" Prophet Isaiah's response was beautiful - Here I am. Send me.

His inspired Word made sense to me now. I just need to remember one thing: 

"I will go".

Noon: Father's Day lunch with my family and two of our favourite people.

PM: Dinner with my family. 

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