
Faithfulness - Message at Youth Impact (Nov 30th, 2013)

By Melissa - Sunday, December 01, 2013

By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged HIM faithful who had promised.

(Hebrews 11:11, NKJV)


The above scripture says that Sarah judged HIM faithful who had promised. How many of us make promises today? And, how many of us actually keep to those promises that we have made?

Before getting to where I am today, I interned in an advertising agency for 3 months (requirement for diploma) and in a lifestyle magazine for 2 months (degree prerequisite). I wrote tag lines, copies and articles for both places where I interned at, and one rule of writing that applied for both is: Words like 'promise' or 'guarantee' are deemed as (kinda-sorta) off-limits, and are not used in any of the ads or pieces I wrote.

WHY? Because, companies don’t like to make promises and be held accountable for them. In the event when anything goes wrong, a case can be built just on those words and a costly lawsuit could ensue as a result of that.

I do not like making promises that I can't keep. I prefer to be a woman of her words. So when I do make a promise, I intend to keep it and see it through, whatever it might take. But, I've learned that in life, people are made of different stuff. In turn, not everyone is like me. Which is why we live in a society that promises much and means little.

As a result of encountering broken promises repeatedly in our lives, we tend to look and surmise that our God is the same - that He is not a promise keeping God. That is the lie of the enemy – our God is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19) and He WILL keep His promises.

Sarah was barren and all dried up. She was well past her childbearing age and in the natural world (based on her age, condition and logic), she wasn't gonna be able to have a child. But, God gave Abraham and her a promise, that they won't just have A child, but that Abraham would be the father of MANY nations. Sarah CHOSE to judge HIM faithful, regardless of what logic and medical reports tell her.

1. WHAT is Faithfulness?

"Faithfulness is not doing the right thing once. Faithfulness is doing the right thing over and over and over again." 

(Joyce Meyer)


- Know therefore that the Lord your God IS God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations. (Deuteronomy 7:9, ESV)

- The word ‘faithful’ in Hebrew (Old Testament was written in Hebrew) means “to prop” or “to support”. In Greek (New Testament was written in Greek), it means “trustworthy”.

2. WHY Should We Be Faithful?

- We are faithful because of conviction, not convenience.

Imagine if God is faithful to us only when it is convenient; when we are at our best behavior. If that were the case, He would not have sent His Son, Jesus to die for us on The Cross. We serve a God who is faithful in ALL circumstances and at ALL times.

- If you can't be faithful with the small things, God will not entrust you with bigger things because God looks for character, not ability.

  • A gift will not take you to your destiny, CHARACTER will. (Christine Caine) 
  • Do you love the promotion of God, or do you love the PRESENCE of God? (Saul vs. David).
  • With whatever gifts that He has entrusted in your care, for you to use for HIS glory, are you looking to be noticed or to touch lives? We need to check our hearts every now and then, to make sure that we know WHO we are doing it for and WHY we are doing what we do. 

- Faith starts, faithfulness FINISHES.

Being faithful is about being obedient to His call, over and again; NOT sacrifice. When you feel like doing it the LEAST, that is when you should do it the MOST.

3. The Call to be Faithful

In the past 3 weeks, Life has taken a turn, a very BIG turn for me. After what happened last week, I was ready to throw in the towel - I wanted to give up everything here in Penang and head back to KL because things that happened seemed too much to bear and too painful to live with.

I was kneeling - face down and crying out to God - when God reminded me of His faithfulness to me for the past 3 years; from going before me to prepare the way for my degree, to confirming that it is His will for me to be back in Penang for this season.

After God took me down the road of His faithfulness in my life, He asked me two simple questions:

1. Will you still be faithful to Me?
2. Have you forgotten what you live for?

I decided that circumstances in life will not dictate my perception of who God is in my life.

- Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23, New International Version)

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