
Thanksgiving 2013

By Melissa - Friday, November 29, 2013

The past three weeks have been so many things to me - beautiful and difficult, heavy and light, hopeful and uncertain.

I realised that the closing of one chapter doesn't signify the end of the book (although it felt a lot like it in the beginning, which is why I was in so much emotional pain). Our stories aren't finished yet. My story wasn't finished yet. There is still much to be written and done. There is still so much room to grow, change and heal.

But with this ordeal behind me, I can clearly see that there is truly so much that I have to be thankful for. Here are some of them…

- God (He's the best, and He's enough for me.)
- A family that stands by me and loves me, when I am at my worst
- Friends (spread all over the globe) who believe in me when I can't and see the good in me when I don't
- A good job (with opportunities to travel, less than a year into working - read *here* and *here*) with a really great boss and some of the kindest colleagues ever
- A roof over my head and food on the table
- The opportunity to do what I love, every single day

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