
Part 2: Weekday Birthday Celebration

By Melissa - Thursday, April 17, 2014

Monday (April 14th, 2014)

My childhood best friend scheduled for a birthday dinner treat with me a couple of days prior to my birthday.

She footed the bill for dinner, bought and lugged back my favourite chee cheong fun all the way from Teluk Intan especially for me and made me a birthday card - the content of the card remains unknown for now (I'm still trying to decipher the note)...







Dearest Kelfy,

Thank you for 20 years of uncomplicated and straightforward friendship. 

Wise decisions are not made often enough in life, but I'm glad that at the tender age of five, we chose to be each other's friend. You are (to this day) one of my best decisions on friendship. 

Love you,

Tuesday (April 15th, 2014)

Drinks plus a long overdue catch-up session with one of my girlfriends.

We met after work but didn't get to have dinner, as I had to rush off to church for practice after.


Dear Deriss,

I combed Chatty Lass' archives to look for *this* post, thinking that it took place a year, or two ago. Little did I know, it has already been three years!

Here's to better days ahead of us...


Wednesday (April 16th, 2014)

Dinner date with my ex-colleague-turned-good-friend. 

She came bearing gifts...






... and picked up the tab for dinner. 


Dearest Elaine,

Leaving KL to come back to Penang came with a price. A rather hefty one. Add putting my dream to become a columnist on hold to that mix, and it was a truly winning recipe for misery and self-doubt.

At least that was how it was for me, for the first month after I began working at CM.

But, I had you. And your kindness. Followed by talks in your office (when Work wasn't too frenzied). Little by little, Change became a little easier to swallow, and a lot more bearable. I have you to thank for that.

Thank you for last night. I miss being two rows of cubicles away from you.




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