
Life in 2014 - FIRST Legit Update

By Melissa - Thursday, January 16, 2014

My first couple of days in 2014 was spent with family and friends, resting up and having fun - basically, loading up on all the good stuff for the soul.

And then, Reality riled me back, Good Times evaporated as if it were only a mirage and Work took on center stage once more…

The past fortnight have been a mixture of many things, so here are some of my thoughts about 2014 so far:

1. I now have a love-hate relationship with technology.

Don't get me wrong, Aurelia Bea has been stellar. However, having late night teleconferences (time difference between Malaysia and our UK counterparts) and replying emails on-the-go through her has solidified what I've always thought to be a working woe - Work doesn't end when one steps out of the office (and technology is partly to blame for that).

2. Cereal and muesli bars make excellent subs for breakfast and lunch.

Work has been a little crazy lately, with meetings starting early in the morning and ending late in the evening. I've been sitting in brainstorming meetings through lunch hour, so low-cal food has been great for my system.

3. Cutting down on carbs, processed food and refined sugar is one of the best diet decisions I've made.

My clothes fit way better and that makes me a deliriously happy girl. I feel healthier as well.

4. My dream to become a full-time columnist is placed on the back burner, for now. 

I went from being a copywriter to the key Communications liaison person for CM overnight. Without warning, no options given; I just had to hit the ground running. So, writing to inspire and change lives… That's gonna have to wait (not for too long, hopefully).

5. Common sense is so not common in today's society. 

Exhibit A. Don't get me started on the real-life instances that I've encountered.

6. You lose one, you gain ten more

At *this* juncture in my life, the loss almost killed me. I wasn't even convinced that I had made the right call to walk away from someone who lied and never meant what he said to me.

But… Out of the ashes, HE always makes something beautiful. Out of the ruins, HE promised to build something new.

So, I lost one friend. But, I gained ten more, and then some. They have made it their priority every single day to tell me that my life is celebrated and I am loved, very much dearly.

An uber sweet, knee-jellying, diabetes-inducing WhatsApp text from my bestest friend this morning…






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