
Appreciating The Little Things

By Melissa - Monday, March 10, 2014

It’s true what they say, it’s the little things that count most. 

I realised that of late, I’ve been harping on all the bad things which have been shoved my way that it’s easy to lose sight of and forget that little, happy things do pop up every now and then. 

For instance…






1) Complimentary dessert after our dinner on Saturday

Courtesy of the manager at Dragon-i. Out of the blue. Perked up my spirits, after a chaotic work week.

2) The smell of freshly baked bread

I didn’t have any, but I loved the scent that wafted through the air, permeated my entire house and lingered all through dinner time. 


So, I begin this week knowing that… 

There’s always a reason to smile. There’s always things to be thankful for. 

And, I never want to forget that. Ever.

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