

By Melissa - Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ever since I entered the working world 2.5 months ago, Sleep became a distant memory and Breakfast became a long-forgotten luxury. Homemade breakfast, that is.

So, when my friend, Pam, shot me this iMessage this morning...






... and said that she would blog about it just to tempt me, I thought that she was joking. 

Until I found out that she wasn't, several hours later, because, she blogged about it *here*. 


The title of her blog post says 'Breakfast of the D.I.Y Kind' with emphasis on D.I.Y kind (I am sure if she could bold and increase the font sizes for the two words, she would) because... I asked her if she made it out of the box (read: supermarket bought pancake mix) and she got SO offended. HAHAHAHAHA. 


Dearest Tinki Talks,

Your pancakes do look good. In fact, they look very good. However, pancakes are meant to be eaten with maple syrup or honey, and not brown sugar, ya' know? Just sayin'. :p THAT said, come back soon. We need more time together (with the little guy, of course).

Missing you and your little man already,
Chatty Lass.


P/S: REAL pancakes look like *this*. :p

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