Fluffy Pancakes for Brunch

By Melissa - Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I have been eager to try out this new recipe for pancakes, which promises FLUFFY pancakes.

My desire to make light and airy pancakes was all but a pipe dream. (Previous attempts *here* and *here*.)

However, it is now a thing in the past... Long gone are the days of flat and rubbery pancakes, behold the days of FLUFFY, AIRY and totally LUSCIOUS pancakes are here to stay!

As I've discovered in the quest of making perfect pancakes, patience is of utmost importance (love and care too, while you're at it).

I scooped three spoonfuls of batter onto the non-stick pan and this was the outcome. *points below*

Slightly burnt edges.

I reduced it to two ladles of batter onto the pan and saw a slight improvement. But, ONE spoonful of batter, allowed slowly to bubble and froth, and you get...






Golden perfection - with lightly browned ring.

The texture behind the pancake.

Now, to round up the successful cinnamon-scented raisin pancakes day, drizzle with silky amber honey.


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