
A Reply, to a very Touching Testimonial

By Melissa - Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Out of the goodness of my heart to pen down my feelings on how much I missed spending quality time with my college mate, she decided to reciprocate the gesture.

I will admit, within seeing the first two lines of the post, I swelled up with pride and awe. I never knew this beautiful, 'just-nice height' (Inside joke *sniggers*) friend of mine would express her thanks in such a manner, much more returning the deed.

But as I scrolled down, I realised I had been too quick to judge.

Not that I mind one bit (our sarcastic repartee), because that is the thing that makes us so good together. Me, being not afraid to speak my mind and she, being quick-witted and unknowingly comical. Sometimes, we even switch our roles. How cool is that? (That was a rhetorical question. Just nod your head in agreement alright?)

Debra Darling,

I know my time management skills are enviable, I am best known for my 'punctuality'. I recognised that, but never have I gotten locked out of the classroom before. So, that must be a huge plus point, isn't it?

Also, my potato salad has garnered superb comments, usually followed by incessant begging for more. It makes me so pleased to know that you are not excluded from that.
Though, I am not quite certain 'amusing' would be the best adjective to describe it.

Ravioli is tough work, and you know how busy I am. Apart from being a cook (A profession you had so willingly bestowed on me), I have to tend to my Gorgeous Darling (You are not the only one I have, you know...) plus my son, Max. And no, I do not make Chanel handbags and cheesecakes, sad to say. My culinary skills are limited and crafting designer handbags is not my gift, unfortunately.

Might I suggest something? I think epitome of 'a best friend who could not be bought by any amount of cash' would best suit me. Just a suggestion.....

From the one who thinks you rock her world,

P/S: Maybe we should do the drop-the-chicken-thigh-on-the carpet antic again, just to test the patience of that librarian lady. This time, why don't I get a whole chicken? :p

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