
The Week In Review - Holiday Plans, Funny WA Exchange + Back To Clean Eating

By Melissa - Friday, April 17, 2015

Monday (April 13th, 2015)

AM: Woke up with a year added to my age, feeling as tired as ever because I have yet to catch up on sleep after my trip to Ho Chi Minh (Read about it here - Part One and Part Two).

PM: We (my bestie and I) finally locked down on our available dates to travel and booked the tickets for our first fully self-funded holiday trip after working for 2 years. Happening in July 2015. Sooooooooo excited! *cartwheels all around the room*

Tuesday (April 14th, 2015)

Noon: Back on the Clean Eating Diet after a week of no-holds-barred feasting in Vietnam.

It was enormously satisfying while it lasted (white bread and carbs are my weaknesses) but we must part now, ma chérie-s. 

Wholegrain toast + sauteed oyster mushrooms with thyme and hard-boiled egg.

PM: Belated birthday dinner with my ex-colleague.

Her savory treat.

My sweet treat - Håagen Dazs' coffee for her, and green tea with almond nibs for me.

Wednesday (April 15th, 2015)

AM: Work.

PM: While I was trying to wrestle with Sleep and not lull away into Slumberland, a sudden chime indicating that there's a new WA message got me rolling over to pick up Aurelia Bea. It was a pic from Archangel which made me burst out laughing.

A few minutes later, this took place...

Funny dood, my boss.

By saying "We have to idiot prrof everything we do", he meant that I have to idiot proof every copy that goes out. Which is what I do at CM, amongst a host of many other things. 

I have no regrets in choosing to do what I love and I love what I get to do, even though it comes with a fair share of challenges.

After 2 years, I've learned that good copy-editing is invisible. Until, an error appears and someone needs to take the fall and be blamed for that mistake - like the florist fiasco shown above.

(FYI, for those who don't know, the job of a copy editor is to review something that has been written and prepare it before it goes for print. That means reading every single line of that article / publication / ad for typos, spelling, grammar and clarity. It's time-consuming, tedious and highly rewarding - for a select group of people who most ardently love the English language - job.)

Thursday (April 16th, 2015)

AM: Fruits and a slice of wholegrain toast with cacao spread for breakfast.

Noon: Lunch plate - Spicy salmon on a bed of mashed potatoes.

Friday (April 17th, 2015)

Noon: Lunch plate - Fried rice with stir-fried long beans and miso soup.

PM: Annie and I were supposed to dress up for my belated birthday celebration at a fancy restaurant tonight but that plan is delayed till the next week because she's feeling under the weather.

Which means... It's a Friday night-in for me, which I'm rather pleased to lap up.

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