Quoting Tolkien Makes Me A... Nerd?!

By Melissa - Monday, May 19, 2014

Earlier today while I was walking back to my cubicle, my colleague, Archangel, stood in my way and smirked.

The following conversation stemmed...






Archangel: *stares at me and refuses to budge*

Me: *zeroes in on his eyeballs and stares back*

Archangel: *smirking* You shalt not pass.

Me: *poker face* You're not Gandalf. Step aside, dood.

Archangel: *bursts out laughing* BWAHAHAHAHAHA. You're such a nerd! HAHAHAHA. Nerd!

Me: *unamused* Says the dood in glasses, an oversized t-shirt and army shorts.

Archangel: *still choking with laughter* Whatever, NERD.


He would have totally gotten a smack on the back (facetiously, of course) for annoying me if my boss were around to witness the conversation.

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