
26 Years Of His Goodness - Happy Birthday To Me

By Melissa - Sunday, April 12, 2015

If I had learned anything at all after a difficult 2014, it is that God is good.

It has been a tumultuous journey, but through it all, He has never left me nor forsaken me. I might not always understand His methods, but I have learned to trust the process.

I'm still trying to find the words to write about all that He has done in my life since, and I'm sure that the words will come some day… But today, on my 26th birthday, as I was beautifully reminded this morning at church, all that I can manage to utter before happy tears make their way down my face is that He is EMMANUEL… God IS with us.

Looking forward with so much hope to what the years to come will bring...

Stunning sunset captured during one of the evenings when I was in Vietnam.

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