
The Week In Review - Red / White Wine, Pre-Packed Work Lunches + Weekend Trip!

By Melissa - Friday, April 24, 2015

Weekly check-in before I scoot off to finish a few outstanding chores and resume packing...


1. Came across *this* article while reading Dayre and the article lists a total of 35 differences between a woman who prefers her wine red or white.

For amusement's sake, I skimmed through the piece and found several notions listed to be startlingly true.

P/S: Most of the time, my default pick is a glass of full-bodied Cab or sultry Merlot (both of which belong to the red wine family), although I've been known to waywardly stray and indulge in a good glass of Chardonnay (smooth white wine with a fruity scent) every now and again.

#10. Red wine drinkers speak their minds; white wine drinkers are good listeners.

I've been told that I can be rather "opinionated". Who am I kidding… I am never short on opinions and I have a take on everything. More often than not, those thoughts remain only in my mind as: a) I only articulate my full opinions with people who I am closest to, and b) Most people ask for the truth, but are unable to handle the weight of it (this is usually the case).

#12. Red wine drinkers like a little scruff; white wine drinkers like their men clean cut.

YES… Usually, I like a little stubble on the RIGHT MAN (in my not-so-humble opinion, Hugh Jackman is THE hottest actor alive), unlike these scruff-gone-wrong cases: this, this and THIS.

#14. Red wine drinkers loved English class; white wine drinkers loved Science class.

I enrolled for the Science stream in my upper secondary schooling years, and I did fairly okay in all three. No points for guessing which was my favorite subject though, seeing what I grew up to be.

#32. Red wine drinkers like good literature; white wine drinkers like good movies.

A riveting book, on any given day.

#33. Red wine drinkers enjoy table conversation; white wine drinkers enjoy chatting on the phone.

Unless and until the former becomes not plausible, I've always opted for a vis-a-vis meet / conversation. Preferably tucked away from the crowd in a quiet corner, with a cup of tea or a glass of wine.

#34. Red wine drinkers like evenings in; white wine drinkers are all about party time.

Occasionally hanging out in a crowded room with sweaty people nudging you and loud music blasting in your ears was a lot of fun while it lasted. Nowadays, I'd rather have a home-cooked meal with my family or close friends and let streams of laughter flow late into the night.

2. 4 out of 5 days of cooking from home to bring to work.

Monday - Sauteed Shimeiji mushrooms with thyme, boiled broccoli and a hard-boiled egg.

Tuesday - Chicken cakes and stir-fried potatoes.

Wednesday - Rice with miso soup, chawanmushi and boiled broccoli.

Thursday - Pan-seared salmon fillet, herbed potatoes and boiled broccoli.

3. Off for a weekend trip to the City of Tomyam and Pork Trotter

Travel log and pictures when I return... Ta for now!

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