
Meet Aurelia Bea!

By Melissa - Friday, December 20, 2013

Readers, meet Aurelia Bea, my new babe!

Her name holds a very special place in my heart. 'Aurelia' means golden and 'Bea' means blessing. There's a story behind that name. Let me fill you in on that story.


Two weeks ago, on a whim, I visited a Digi Store and fiddled with the latest iPhone 5S. One of the store's assistance walked over, chatted with me and asked if I was interested in getting one. I informed him that I have two months left in my contract and I'd have to wait till then before considering an upgrade.

He logged into the system, checked my details and told me that it was possible to get an upgrade now, as they're not really finicky about a one or two months leeway. I was delighted. But before I could utter my preferences, he added that I would have to wait for about a month or so for my new device, as almost all of the Digi stores in Penang are out of their iPhone 5S stock. All of which was fine to me, as Evie is still in tip-top condition.

However, as I left the store, I thought to myself, "Would be nice to get it before Christmas". I brushed that little desire aside and went on with my Christmas shopping.

Yesterday afternoon, that same guy gave me a call (while I was at work) and told me that their shipment arrived a little earlier than expected (two weeks earlier) and my iPhone 5S was already here. My heart did little cartwheels and I replied that I would be there today to get it.

Later that day, CM had a Christmas Party. After we were all stuffed with a spread of sumptuous home cooked food, we had gift exchanges. Mine was handed to me and I quickly ripped apart the packaging and discovered that my present was an iPhone 5S cover.

Turns out, one of the other managers in CM thought that it would make a nifty gift for me, seeing that I am such a big fan of Apple products. He walked over to me and added, "Head over to my shop (he owns a cool phone shop - part of his additional business) and they'll stick the screen protector for you, for free, when you get your iPhone (He didn't know that I had pre-ordered an iPhone 5S or that it had arrived that very afternoon)."

As I drove home from the party last night, praise overflowed from my heart to my beautiful Jesus.

He granted my heart's desire, which was said in the softest of whispers. As if that were not enough, He went the extra mile and orchestrated for things to just fall into place - one blessing after another.

So tonight, as I admire the sleek design of my new phone, meddle with the Touch ID a jillion times and explore the 1001 features, I will also remember that this golden blessing is His way of reminding me that He IS the Keeper of my heart, Lover of my soul and Author of Time.

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