
The Week In Review - Blueberries, Shepherd's Pie, C.H.E Sandwich, Cheese Tart + Baby Time with JZ

By Melissa - Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday (August 18th, 2014)

AM: The weekend flew by in a jiffy. I reluctantly freed myself from my comforter's cocoon, wishing that *this* happens more often.

Breakfast bowl of the day - Golden kiwi, blueberries, raw almonds, organic chia seeds and muesli on Greek yoghurt.

Noon: Lunch plate - Shepherd's Pie, the way I like it (without flaky and buttery pastry).

PM: Dinner and girl time with my bestie.

Tuesday (August 19th, 2014)

AM: Breakfast plate - C.H.E sandwich and cherry tomatoes, washed down with a glass of fresh vegetable juice.

Made 'em for the parentals and packed it for them to have for breakkie as well. 

Noon: Take-out.

PM: Home-cooked dins. My aunt made us cheese tart, and we had that for dessert. It was sinfully decadent.

Wednesday (August 20th, 2014)

AM: Work lunacy struck the moment I reached my cubicle. Breakfast wasn't just unrealizable, it ranked the lowest in the 'Priority' column of the day.

My workspace scene that day...

A copywriter's table - Post-Its and a red pen are my best arsenal.

Noon: Worked through lunch hour.

Chicken cakes, mash and vegetable juice.

PM: Girly time with Tinki Talks and Baby Time with JZ.

Thursday (August 21st, 2014)

AM: My once-in-awhile cheat breakfast - Nasi lemak (not pictured).

PM: Lunch AND tea, courtesy of my colleagues.

Little Mermaid very kindly made tuna salad for me (which I had as lunch) and Strawberry Shortcake got me apple pie on her way to work. 

Friday (August 22nd, 2014)

AM: Breakfast bowl - Greek yoghurt with kiwi, blueberries, raw almonds, muesli and organic chia seeds.

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