
The Weekend That Was - Brunch, Penang at Dusk + Armani

By Melissa - Monday, August 18, 2014

Saturday (August 16th, 2014)

AM: A good night's rest has eluded me for the longest time. I wake up at intervals during the night for no reason, and this has been going on for awhile. By the time my alarm blares at 6:45am on weekdays, I've hardly slept a wink. So, Saturday is the only day of the week that I can attempt (keyword: attempt) to get 8 hours of unperturbed sleep.

Slid out of bed at 10am, plodded downstairs and made myself brunch.

From L to R: Herbal tea, English breakfast sausages, scrambled eggs and fresh apple-kiwi juice.

PM: Zoomed off to visit Tinki Talks after a meeting in church that arvo. Brought along some goodies (in the form of mille crepe cakes) to cheer her up.

Update on Tinki Talks' Dayre. 

Snapped a shot as I was leaving the hospital at 6:40pm...

Penang at dusk. Gorgeous.

Sunday (August 17th, 2014)

AM: Church.

Wore a black tee that I bought from Armani Exchange last month. Love this petite tag at the bottom left hand corner of the top.

PM: Together with my family, I gratified my yearning for BKT. All is well with the world now. 

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