
Things I'd like to do...

By Melissa - Tuesday, October 28, 2008

before I turn 30, that is.

I was chatting with Debra at McD today and we were rekindling our schooling days, for old times' sake. I've come to accept the fact that time flies and there's no stopping it. I also realised that there are so many things I've never ventured upon or try my hands at.

And I would like to do it before I'm 30, because that is all the time I probably have to actually do goofy stuff without looking like an idiot.

I have exactly 166 days to be a teen and after that, the 2-zero era beckons. Before long, I'd be pushing 3-0.

So, I was inspired to start my own list of things I'd like to do before age 30.

Usually, everything is up in the 'command centre' but actually writing it down solidifies it. Anyway, most of the things are stuff that I'm scared of or of those that challenges me.

In a way, it's knowing that in each day, new frontiers are possible. Anytime I attempt to do something new, it's challenging the status quo that I set for myself and it is also a way of saying, "I'm stepping out of myself".

Things to accomplish before I turn 30 (In no specific order):

1. Get married and bring my beautiful kids into this world.

2. Write a message, put it into a bottle and throw it into the sea.

3. Make a REAL prank call.
I can never do it properly because I burst out laughing the second the person answers.

4. Work on a farm.
And drive those huge tractors, milk a cow, collect fresh farm eggs from the hen's coop.

5. Ride a motorcycle.
I wanted to take lessons for it along with my driver's licence, but my dad refused to let me take it, due to my clumsiness I suspect.

6. Learn how to drift.
I blame it on watching The Fast and Furious sequels =)

7. Learn how to play the drums.
They control a song. It's inspiring to see a female drummer.

8. Go swimming with the dolphins.
Actually, I've to learn how to swim first. The last time I was in a pool was a very, very long time ago (Oh, and someone had to pull me out of the pool because I was drinking too much of pool water. Not too pleasant, I must add.)

9. Get a tattoo.
As my religion forbids getting a real one, a washable airbrushed one will work just fine.

10. Write a book.

11. Knit something.
I am totally useless when it comes to anything involving a needle and a thread.

12. Explore a cave.

13. Find a cure for a disease.
I love the idea of ONE person being able to make a difference.

14. Learn sign language.
I only know how to do 'I love you'. I'd like to learn more.

15. See the Seven Wonders Of The World.

16. Ride a camel or elephant.

17. Perform on Broadway.
It'll be a dream come true for me to achieve this. I love being onstage and performing.

18. Take a vacation alone.
I'm always with someone everytime I travel. I'd like to go somewhere alone and find myself.

19. Visit the Swiss Alps, the Louvre and Sistine Chapel.
I want to catch a glimpse of the panoramic view of the mountains, savour the glorious paintings of the creative geniuses.

20. Actually paint something.
I'm no good at art, but I do appreciate art very much.

21. Climb a tree.

22. Build a snowman.
What can I say - I grew up in Malaysia.

23. Walk in the rain.

24. Dress up, have a candlelit dinner and have a long walk on the beach afterwards.
The cynic in me does not approve of this, as I am much more of a no-frills person. I'd like to allow myself to be swept off my feet at least once, in my lifetime.

25. Run a marathon.

26. Sing live in a huge auditorium.
It's flattering to think that your music is able to have such an effect on people.

27. Plant something.

28. Visit space.

29. Go skydiving.

30. Go ballroom dancing.
I've terrible rhythm and two left feet. I am the worst dancer, ever.

The clock's ticking and I've got lots to do. I'd better get started...

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