
Thank Full

By Melissa - Wednesday, September 30, 2015

It feels as though I haven’t truly written for the longest time.

Life has been happening (to say the least) with work, freelance projects, social appointments and planning… for the future. I’m physically tired, but spiritually soaring; a concoction of emotions, but for good reason.

I am so aware of the times which we are living in, and I am full of thanks (I did not misspell the title of this post, otherwise I wouldn't be of much use in my profession) for all things, at this point in time. Thankful for things big and small, significant and trivial, extraordinary and mere.

God is faithful. He is good. It took me awhile to be able to vocalise this, after all which has happened. While I may have had my doubts, His nature remains unchanged - His love is ever true, inherently persistent and without condition. It is utterly mind-blowing to know that He listens to the secret whispers of our heart, muttered softly in the dark of night, and brings them to fulfilment when you least expect it.

Looking ahead, October will be quite a handful - Weddings and parties every weekend of the month, more events to show up at, bittersweet goodbyes and expectant hellos.

Let the future begin.

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