
The Week In Review - Pancakes, Favourite C'Mas Albums + Woman On A Mission!

By Melissa - Saturday, November 22, 2014

Monday (Nov 17th, 2014)

AM: Breakfast bowl (my first one since... a fortnight ago, at least) - Blueberry pancakes, and fresh blueberries as additional topping.

PM: Homemade chocolate-raspberry cake (by my aunt) for dessert.

Tuesday (Nov 18th, 2014)

AM: Breakfast bowl - Pancakes and egg, with a mug of TWG's Paris-Singapore tea.

PM: Visited little Kyra in the hospital.

Showered her with heaps of kisses, hugged her a little tighter to my chest and felt her snuggling to the hollow of my collar bone after her heart-shattering crying ordeal (the pediatrician was getting some blood samples to run tests) was over.

Wednesday (Nov 19th, 2014)

AM: Synced up several new Christmas albums on Spotify. These albums have been playing on repeat all through the day:

PM: Family time.

Thursday (Nov 20th, 2014)

AM: Breakfast bowl - Fresh blueberries and a muesli bar.

PM: It was almost midnight when I got home from the night rally for a prayer conference. Unlocked the doors, quickly thumped downstairs and spent some time with my parents and god-brother. 

Friday (Nov 21st, 2014)

AM: CM's annual dinner later that night, so everyone gets half a day off. *throws confetti in the air*

Noon: Getting off work 4 hours earlier on a Friday calls for a dress-hunting trip around the island.

I've a wedding to attend 2 weeks from now, and two more to show up at 4 weeks after. I've left no stone unturned and combed through most of the boutiques in Penang since a month ago, but to no avail.

Most of the dresses are horrendously ugly, and the few that managed to catch my eye are ridiculously priced (Paying RM1k for a dress - even if it's Armani - puts a dent on my card. A meteorite-sized dent, which I'm in no hurry to faint from).

This woman was on a mission yesterday arvo and all was not lost. Chanced upon one dress which wasn't half bad and reserved it.

PM: Night rally for prayer conference. 

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