
The Weekend That Was - 27 Years Of Love, Family Affair + Baked Goodies

By Melissa - Monday, January 05, 2015

Saturday (Jan 3rd, 2015)

AM: My folks tied the knot on this date, 27 years ago.

Happy Anniversary, Dee and Ma!

Thank you for choosing each other, every day, for the past 27 years. Because of your love, commitment and faithfulness to God and to one another, I am able to fully experience the gift of family.

Love you both a little too much,

Noon: Treated the parentals to a hearty lunch at one of our favorite eating establishments.

PM: Family dinner (with both my uncles) to celebrate Dee and Ma's wedding anni.

Sunday (Jan 4th, 2015)

AM: Church.

Noon: Lunch with our relatives.

My aunt returned to Malaysia from San Fran for a short holiday and there were plenty of stories to go round the table that arvo.

My other aunt (sister of the one who was back) is a master baker and she brought two types of cakes with her for dessert. Her baking sorcery skills have put many cake houses to shame and I count myself rather blessed to be at the receiving end of her baked goodies.

Apple Cake.

Chocolate Hazelnut.

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