
Travel Log - Jakarta (Sept 2013) | Part TWO

By Melissa - Tuesday, September 24, 2013

This morning while I drove to work, I was extremely thankful that Penang's morning traffic is nothing like Jakarta's all-day traffic.

While I was on my week-long business trip to Jakarta (I reached the shores of Malaysia late Sunday night), I made some friends there and they were determined to make certain that my body was stuffed with as much local food assortments as possible before I left their city.

Some of the local grubs that were partaken...






Diverse array of dishes to pick and choose from, all of which are laid for you on the table the moment you are seated. A must-have for any visit to Indonesia. 

This is a popular snack in Jakarta. It is made from mashed potatoes and chicken filling. As a lover of all things potatoes, this snack was right up my alley. 

Chicken marinated with tumeric, fried in coconut oil and served with kremes (crispy granules).

I was told this snack was only available twice a year, once in June and once in September. It is made from duck egg - which is mixed with glutinous rice and desiccated coconut - made into an omelette.

Meat barbecued over brazen coals on bamboo skewers, and served with... sweet potato gravy (instead of the usual peanut sauce). 

Incredibly airy and very fluffy dairy goodness. 

Rice cooked with coconut milk and tumeric, hence the name "Nasi Kuning" (literal translation: Yellow Rice). Mine was served with Ayam Pok and Bergedil (fried potato patties). 


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