
Thursday Thrill

By Melissa - Thursday, July 18, 2013

I get giddily excited on Thursdays, for the simplest reason: It is the day before Friday (and I adore Fridays).

However, I didn't plant my feet on the parquet floor of my room feeling that in-over-your-head enthusiasm this AM. 

I am cumbered with work (Footages to edit and piece together, briefs to read, taglines to write, research to be done...), a pressing and very last minute freelance request came in yesterday evening and I have a cough which is hanging tough for all the wrong reasons.

I got into the office, booted Seanna up, plugged in Evie to fire up her juices and trudged to the pantry to prepare a mug of lemon tea with honey.

I let the tea steep for a full minute and decided that life is still grand, even if it comes with a mountainous load of work every now and then.

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