

By Melissa - Monday, March 23, 2009

I am so blessed and thankful to have been surrounded by the glorious sound of music since birth.

My dad sings and plays the guitar. Several years back, I learnt that my mum's siblings can all sing (although the genre completely annoys me, to the point that it can drive me to yank off all the hairs on my head. They tend to gravitate towards those typical, whiny Chinese operatic songs.). My youngest uncle has a sizeable collection of CDs (enough to rival hardcore music fanatics).

I learnt the piano when I was seven, hated it and quitted, only to regret it 9 years later. I then proceeded to take it up again, re-learnt all the basic chords and am able to play simple tunes right now.

I've been singing for as long as I could remember and I even took up voice lessons last year (I attended only 3 lessons and I had to stop because of the astronomical fee).

I was my singing teacher's worst nightmare because I would continually strain my voice, to which she would then snap, "Young lady, you either learn up the proper technique of using your falsetto (That is tough work, truly. I thought it best to leave that for the born-falsetto singers, such as Fernando Lima, one of today's leading countertenors.) or stop exerting your vocal cords."

Which is why, I am a sucker for guys who can sing.

Like, totally.

Cards played right, my knees would probably turn to Jell-O and I will be staring, all moony-eyed.

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