
In brief form

By Melissa - Friday, March 20, 2009

I have been a laggard lately, and I have not been keeping 'beneficial' posts coming your way. It's not because I have nothing to share, I think I am just having a bout of writer's block.

And I lied, I have not recovered from my emotional ardour. In fact, my emotional health took a downturn on Tuesday ( which I will blog about soon. I realise I cannot go on and on about something when readers of this blog do not understand what that is. Soon, okay darlings? Soon. ).

I will give you ( in very brief form ) what I have been doing lately:

  • Catched up on movies.
    - Taken: Good movie. I liked it, but it could very much be improved. It was an eye-opener to me.
    - Seven Pounds: Splendid movie. I loved this movie. One of the best movies I've watched ( Lord Of The Rings trilogy still reigns best, but this is a different genre all together, so... ).

  • Reading.
    I am currently reading two books simultaneously, Sad Cypress by Agatha Christie and re-reading John Bevere's The Bait of Satan.

  • Trying to complete the IOU posts. They are all half-written and half-finished, remaining as drafts. I am endeavoring to write them to completion and have them published, as soon as possible.

My cell phone's alarm has just rung, reminding me of a lunch date taking place in 15mins time. I've gotta run.


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