

By Melissa - Tuesday, February 24, 2009

One of my favourite things to do is talk. When I say talking, I do not mean speaking in public with thunderous applause to follow after I wrap up my speech. I am referring to daily conversations, with people I am close to or with people whom I look forward to pick their brains. Not to judge them, but at particular moments, it is really fascinating to see how the human brain functions and interprets information.

Ergo, out of my immense love for that, I dearly enjoy my daily banter with my friend Debra. She is very animated (once you get to know her, because she is the epitome of an iceberg) and very funny mostly because of spur-of-the-moment remarks ). Her best gift: Replicating real life human signature behaviour. (read: It means she can imitate, very well, almost to perfection most of the time.)

I find it a joy when we are in college, while the lecturers are trying so hard to input knowledge into our heads ( to relatively no avail ), we are usually carried away in our own world. A world of excessive giggles and never-ending topics to argue upon.

Just so you know:
Dee Dee, I miss you. I miss the time we usually spend together in college. Our exchanges in the Cbox does little to make up for it. As of now, I am really hoping for college to begin. (Well, not really. I should just drive to college to pick you up for lunch or something.)

P/S: Daddy,
I was just exaggerating about the talking during lectures. I do pay attention, I only resort to doing that during the really boring 'sermons'. (In case you are not aware, my dad is a regular patron of my blog. In fact, he reads every single post I've written, PLUS the comments and Cbox messages.)


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