
Of food and hormones...

By Melissa - Monday, January 19, 2009

It's 2pm right now and I haven't grabbed a bite of anything yet
( except this morning: some water and mint drops, by pulling off the most daring escapade from the watchful eye of my repetitive lecturer to avoid myself from dozing off or even worst, moping and ranting, at the top of my lungs. ).

In fact, I don't even feel like ingesting anything at all. I used to have a healthy appetite, wolfing down at every meal with much delightment on my face. Now, an excess in my food intake would cause extreme discomfort to me and I can't even finish everything on my plate ( Which means Chilli's is a no-go unless someone is willing to share my palate with me, but I am incredibly picky AND headstrong so I reckon stuffing myself to the brim would be the aftermath. Oh, and probably stomach cramps too. )

Though, there are some perks and sunny side ups to it. For instance,

Observe the difference ( especially on the facial features ) between the pics below,

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With Henry Seeley, Dec 2006

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With Daisy, Aug 2008

I looked like a full moon at its brightest approximately 1.5years ago. Currently, at least I have proven that I indeed HAVE a jawbone and it is chiselled, even if I do say so myself. It's not like I have any other facial extraordinaires to brag about... Plus, I have lost quite some weight and the previous love handles are now replaced with firm muscles. Now, I can adorn myself with skinny jeans ( without looking like a turnip ) and figure-hugging tops and frocks.

Who says roller-coaster hormones ( It remains as a hypothesis, but for whatever the reasons, I am thankful ) are a bad thing?

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