Facebook Comebacks - One Day I Shall

By Melissa - Wednesday, March 20, 2013

For the most part, Facebook has been good to me. It has proven to be one of the best communicative tools to stay in touch and be connected to persons that I care about.

But, there have been instances where the renowned social networking site comes across as more of a liability (instead of an asset) to my mental health.

Let me preface this by acknowledging that I am highly irritable about a lot of trivial things. Tried to be less anal, but it didn't bear much fruit. I decided that it was easier sticking to having an opinion about everything. 

So, upon encountering annoying statuses, irritating wall posts or uncalled-for photos, I would normally roll my eyes, sigh and shrug it off; or secretly wish that I did *this* a long time ago.

And then, one of those days will come - The Day of Supreme Exasperation (Frequency varies for each individual). It is the day where you probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed, had a less than average day and the second you log in, a ninny decides to rub you the wrong way by posting something silly. 

I cannot recount the times where I have written a bomb of a comment and all that is standing between me and posting it up is the 'Enter' button on my keyboard. Battle of the will at its toughest, right there. 

Today, I would like to honour *the valiant men and women who fought on behalf of us all*, whose Will won and made the world a much better place to live in (along with drawing a few chuckles out from us all). 

Facebook Comebacks - One day I shall...

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