
The Week In Review - Pre-Bedtime Convo, Heaven Is But A Breath Away, Music Vid Recording + Christmas Deco

By Melissa - Friday, November 14, 2014

Monday (Nov 10th, 2014)

AM: Work.

PM: It's been almost two years since I shed the university student status, packed up my bags and left KL to return to Penang. I miss being there, every single day.

Wistful pre-bedtime WA conversation with Tinki Talks:

Tuesday (Nov 11th, 2014)

AM: Work.

Noon: Excused myself from work for 2 hours (it really pays to have an understanding boss) to bid goodbye to a very dear family friend.

The fragility of life and the reality of eternity hit a lot closer to home this time around. I live with the awareness that heaven is but a breath away, and this life that we have... it should not only be lived in contentment and appreciation, but it should also be lived right; be it in speech, actions or intentions.

Wednesday (Nov 12th, 2014)

AM: Audio recording in the studio for a music video project. Never a dull day at work.

PM: Dins with my bestie.

Thursday (Nov 13th, 2014)

AM: Purchased several pieces of adorable Christmas decorations with Annie the night before, and decked my cubicle with 'em.

PM: Dinner with a lovely couple, both of whom are close friends to our family.

Friday (Nov 14th, 2014)

AM: Clocked in for work, responded to some work emails and headed out to be on set for the video recording of CM's music video project. 

PM: Family gathering - Ours, with our relatives. 

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