
GE 13 - My Take and Choice

By Melissa - Wednesday, May 08, 2013

I've been following the news (read: reputable media sources) regarding Malaysia's 13th General Election, and I figure that it's high time I wrote about it, after reading up and analysing the reports (be it the upfront or distorted one).

From what I am seeing, GE 13 has and is still stirring up a lot of emotions. And as it is with emotions, it is usually accompanied by a wave of responses.

While I get that the upset rants, anguish comments and pent-up statuses are warranted, I chose not to succumb to it, tough as it was. It took everything I had within me to not lash it out there in writing, bash up more than a handful of deviously scheming people along the way and sit way up on my self-erected pedestal, feeling incredibly proud of myself.

Truth be told, for the past four days, I have felt like driving my fist into the wall every single time I read news from the mainstream media. I wonder if those in position of power have in their (air-filled) heads that they are governing a flock of gullible sheep, instead of citizens who are educated. I question the credibility of journalism and the authenticity of news more and more each day. I am in disbelief about the integrity of information gatekeepers, who are supposed to be unbiased and without prejudice. Most of all, I am in shock at the lengths by which a man is willing to go for power and money. It makes my stomach churn with disgust and it rises up like a bitter bile in my throat whenever I think about it.

However, while I know that most Malaysians echo my sentiments, Facebook does not need to log my thought process and maintain a record of my emotions; because once you put it out there, retracting it back is impossible.

I firmly believe that what our nation needs at this moment is not vehement venting, but enduring encouragement, consistent courage and persisting perseverance.

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