
GE 13 - Facebook Postings and Updates

By Melissa - Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Following *this* post, I wasn't quite done with the current affairs, but figured that beginning this on a fresh post would be a better choice.

While scrolling through a mound of Facebook postings, I took notice of two instances which I need to point out:

1. People possessing a backward mentality

- Also known as people who are of the opinion that all politicians are bad, change is not possible and Malaysia is headed nowhere fast. The truth couldn't be more distorted and a person couldn't have their vision anymore constrained.

It irks me, to my very core, to read of such comments. To add insult to the injury, these are persons who were born in Malaysia, have grown, thrived, obtained their education and enjoyed the harvest of the land.

The mention of such words only highlights shallowness and draws attention to an ungrateful attitude.

2. People who are proud to be Penangites but ashamed to be Malaysians

- Seen this too many times in the past few days. I am unapologetic in saying this: Such statements are immensely silly and it emphasises selfishness. It is a reckless line to be used during such a tensed hour and in this delicate situation.

Amongst many of Aristotle's quotes, one of his most famous quote is this: "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." The BIBLE talks about being united as one and when one part of the body hurts, the entire body is in jeopardy. So, why then are we dicing up Malaysia into state pieces, when as a whole, our worth is so much more?


Given, there are a couple or more examples that I would love to shed some light on, but lunch time is almost over and work beckons. So, ciao for now...

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