
The 100 Day Creative Challenge - Inspiring Beauty

By Melissa - Friday, January 01, 2016

Dostoyevsky said this, "Beauty will save the world."

Beauty has an astounding allure on humanity. There is inherent worth in beauty, and that worth gives meaning to existence. We hunt endlessly for it, we strive to protect it and our world is better because of it.

Inspired by *this* initiative, it's something that I am taking on for 2016; to go beyond creating for work but to look for beauty in the mundane, to awaken the wonder of life and (hopefully) inspire you to create.

Throughout this year, I'll be posting up penning-s / quotes / typography / designs / any other form of art that has invoked something within my heart and soul right here, for you (and me). It is my hope that when the 100 posts are fulfilled, you will be mesmerised... with life and its Creator.

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