
The Weekend That Was - Bougainvilleas, Double Birthday Celebration + B'Fast Date

By Melissa - Monday, February 16, 2015

Saturday (Feb 14th, 2015)

AM: Domestic chores, after I've decided that I've gotten enough from Slumber Land to last me through the day.

PM: Arrived at my uncle's. The bougainvilleas were in full bloom, and they were irresistibly lovely.

Double birthday celebration, an in-advance one for my uncle and a belated one for Dee.

Sunday (Feb 15th, 2015)

AM: Rarest of occasions - Ma and I were in church early because Dee and The Little Sister had worship practice. We had about an hour to kill, so the both of us unanimously decided to go on a breakfast date.

Cheat day yesterday, so this was breakfast:

Roti canai with chicken-dhal curry. 

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