
My Tribute - Robin Williams

By Melissa - Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I found myself shedding tears over someone I've never met yesterday. My heart is shattered over the news of his tragic and abrupt demise.

His art has brought countless hours of laughter, happiness and adventure into my life. He made his weirdness a strength, instead of shunning it away. He cultivated his goofiness and turned it into an asset, instead of masking it off.

Robin Williams was in his purest and finest form as a creative, comedic genius with an infectious laugh. 

In one of his best performances, he delivered these words as John Keating in the film, Dead Poets Society: 

"To quote from Whitman: O me! O life!... of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless... of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?"

Hereafter lies one of my favorite lines ever written:

"Answer: That you are here; that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?"


May we always remember that in spite of our perpetual search and struggle for acceptance from the world, we will first and foremost learn to love who we truly are, find our identity, embrace our voice and… share our verse. 

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