
My Daddy: The Man I Love

By Melissa - Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Seems like I have said it all in *this* post, but I am far from done. 



These past 2.5 months have been truly hard on me. It is a lot for me to take in, face and overcome. But not long ago, I realised that while it is difficult for me to go through all of it, it must have been more painful for you to watch me swallow all that heartache.

When it comes to men, you've been my only constant. You're the one who has never left me and loves me for who I am, not what I can do.

Of all the things you've done for me, I am most thankful that you taught me to love the Lord your God with all my heart from day one. (Oh, and texts like this *points below* don't hurt too.)






Thank you for always believing in me. Thank you for giving me room to do my own thing and be my own person. Mostly, thank you for giving me wings to fly on.

Love you too much,


My cheeky father (pulling what he thinks is an 'adorable face') and I. 

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