Love Letter

By Melissa - Monday, January 04, 2010

Just not so long ago, I received a letter.

A love letter, to be exact.

With my heart beating so loud (to the point where I was afraid the person next to me might actually hear it), I carefully pulled out the treasure from its' chest.

I unfolded the letter and I began to read it.

"Where do I begin... There are so many things on my mind. Let me start with the time you came into this world. The time I first saw you, you were bawling your lungs out, but I called out to you and you just stopped crying and became still (eventhough for a moment only) and looked in my direction. Such a love came over me for you that only when one becomes a parent that you'll be able to fully understand the emotions of it.



This letter started in love and it ends likewise too. We love you very much and let no one tell you otherwise. We've seen you slowly blossom into a beautiful person - not perfect yet, but on the way there. Allow God to fully control your life, infuse your life, cover your life and you'll be the standard bearer for the Lord - anointed and used greatly by and for Him.

Daddy and Mummy."

I can't even begin to express how I felt at that moment.

Even as I am transferring a portion of the letter here, tears are still springing from my eyes.

All I remembered happening was hot tears streaming down my cheeks (my friend was worried that the car was going to be flooded with my waterworks).

My nose was runny, the letter was splotched with tears and I was so moved. Touched to my very core. It reached the inmost part of my being.

I am fully aware of how much my parents love me.

But this letter, scrawled in my dad's handwriting, reached a place so deep within me that I had difficulty breathing after reading it.

Simplicity at its' best, I love you, Daddy and Mummy. I don't think I can ever say it enough, but I love you.

This letter - thus far - is one of the most prized possessions in my life.

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