
Kids Say The Darndest Things

By Melissa - Friday, October 18, 2013

Watched the show when I was a child (LOVED it big time) and I've met my fair share of kids (belonging to friends, cousins, aunties and uncles) who held nothing back with nothing to lose (the cuteness factor... works every single time).

For instance, an incident which took place a couple of months back that still makes me chuckle to myself whenever I think of it. 


Fancy restaurant

People involved: 
My 3 y.o cousin and my grand-aunt

- My grand-aunt spilled her soup on the floor. 
- The waiters from the restaurant hurried to her side and began wiping the little boo-boo. 
- They missed a couple of spots, and my grand-aunt wasn't too happy about it (being the Type A cleanliness inspector that she is), so she began directing them on how. to. do. it. right. 

While most of us were watching the scene (fascinated by everything that was taking place, and slightly embarrassed), little Evan (who sat across from my grand-aunt) was taking everything in and after the waiters were released from her stare, he looked up, scrutinised my grand-aunt disapprovingly and spoke the following sentence:

"You're a bossy woman, aren't you?"

His mother was horrified, the rest of us gaped for like 5 seconds and chortled silently, being very careful to keep our heads down. 






P/S: Don't judge, but... After the little guy was done with his meal, I cuddled him in my lap, planted extra kisses on his cheeks and whispered in his ears, "Good boy." 


Earlier today, while I was perusing the Internet.

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