
Baby Date: Lunch with Mi-Chelle and Kyra

By Melissa - Tuesday, May 28, 2013

During my college and university days, in spite of classes and assignment deadlines chasing me down like a hound, my weekends were the busiest days for me in the week.

Now that I am working, Friday is THE absolute best day in the week and I try (as much as Life would allow me) to keep my weekends clear and not be tied down with anything unnecessary so that I could fill them by spending time with people whom I care about and love. 

Like, these two sweethearts, for instance...

When I was leaving, Kyra was standing by the door and bidding me goodbye, as she always does.

This time around, she gestured for me to come back in and said, "Jie Jie Melissa, come come... Kiss." I crouched down (to be at eye level with her) and was turning my face for her to give me a peck on the cheek when she planted one on me, right smack on the lips and melted my heart to a puddle of happy juice. The best way to spend my free Saturday afternoon, to date. 

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