Over time, while hanging out with different groups of friends for drinks or meals, I've been asked this question before (and sometimes after) ordering my drinks; if I was a coffee or a tea person.
I am the latter; a tea person through and through.
Just read some of the posts I've written {here}, {here} and {here}. I even posted a quote about tea {here}!
So naturally, my favourite meal time of the day is tea time. (Additional info: My least favourite is breakfast because I am SO not a morning person. I'm good for breakfast dates in M.I.N.I.M.A.L doses.)
I promised to spend tea time with a friend today and we did; with an accompaniment of peppermint tea (with honey), cakes, stories and laughter to go round the table.
Red velvet cupcake (the same one that I had for tea yesterday).