Movie Review | Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol

By Melissa - Monday, December 19, 2011

I have not stepped into the cinema for ages. Literally. The last movie I recalled watching was Transformers: Dark of the Moon.

With Christmas approaching in less than a week and my gifts list getting longer by the day, I gathered that today was a good day to start shopping and be on a lookout for gifts.

I rounded up the mall in an hour and bought 85% of the gifts. (Fantastic workout session by the way, I felt incredibly energised. The only thing that was hurt in the process was my purse.)

With so much time to spare, on an impulse, I purchased a ticket to watch Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol.

If I was anxious about watching the then yummy Tom Cruise back in 2000 (Mission: Impossible II), this time around, I was more interested in hot stuff, Jeremy Renner. This Daniel Craig look-alike gives me butterflies in my tummy. In a good way. And, those slithering blue-green veins on his hands... What I would give to.... {clears throat} Oh, and his acting is pretty great as well.

I LOVED the fourth installment. It is the best of the MI series.

The plot was suspenseful, the action scenes were stylish and the inclusion of the latest gadgets (iPhone and iPad) in the scenes was a huge plus point. I loved the injection of humour in some of the more intense scenes. It was fresh, gripping and choked with spectacular stunts.

I LOVED that I was kept at the edge of my seat for the most part of the running time.

Director Brad Bird {sniggers} should take on the Bond installment next. With such creativity and daring directing, I believe that he would soon rock and stun Hollywood with some of the best action films ever to be made.

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